I just had an experience with both YouTube and Google Video, and I found many interesting videos to watch,but I just embeded 2 favorite videos in my blog. I prefer YouTube to Google Video since I have used YouTube for a long time. Although there are many similar features of YouTube and Google Video, I feel YouTube is more successful than Google Video. At least I feel the web speed of YouTube is faster than Google Video. Also, once I am on YouTube, I cannot stop watching, because after one we can continue to watch others.
I try to figure out how to save a YouTube video to my computer, but I cannot, and I also find that we are not allowed to download videos from YouTube. It is about copyrights. But I add the two videos to my favorite. I think it has similar uses.
Then I visited www.apple.com/trailers, and tried to watch something in both standard quality and high definition. But I cannot watch the high definition because of the slow internet connection. Then I went to school to watch it. High definition is more clear than the standard quality, but the internet speed does not allow me to watch the high definition anytime I want. So I think the standard quality is good enough for me...*_* At least I can watch it anytime I like. It is enough for me although I still like the standard quality. Moreover, the monitor at school is worse than my own computer's, so maybe the monitor affects the quality a bit.
I watched the small trailer for the movie "Ratatouille" because I worried about the internet speed. Then I was shocked by it, and I would like to watch the movies right now. Trailers are very convenient for us to know the movie; they really save our time. Amazing stuff!
Firstly I read the article that make me think a lot. Then I created an account on 43things, and added 10 things to my "life2do" list that I have always wanted to own or try. This is the link to my list: http://www.listsofbests.com/person/Pumpkin100Langton . Actually, this list is "lists of bests", but not "43things". However, finally I figure out how to create a list on 43things, and this is the list on "43things": http://www.43things.com/person/Pumpkin100Langton .After that, I went to the home page of 43things; I used tags to find other things people have done that I want to do, which is "lose 35 lbs", and I added it to my list. Similarly, I found one thing I have already done, which is "learn a second language", and I use the "I have done this" to add it to my list.
I try to publish my list to my blog from within "lists of bests". This is the list:
It is similar as my list on "43things", so I only published one of them.
I love the idea of a life2do list. I feel it is a guide for my life. I can check the list and remember what I try to do. Many years ago people only could record things using paper that wasted time and paper; however, because of the improvement of a digital culture, our life have changed a lot. Such as the "life2do", it gives us a chance to record things on website and we can share to others. I am appreciated by this course and I will keep using this list.
I try to publish my list to my blog from within "lists of bests". This is the list:
It is similar as my list on "43things", so I only published one of them.
I love the idea of a life2do list. I feel it is a guide for my life. I can check the list and remember what I try to do. Many years ago people only could record things using paper that wasted time and paper; however, because of the improvement of a digital culture, our life have changed a lot. Such as the "life2do", it gives us a chance to record things on website and we can share to others. I am appreciated by this course and I will keep using this list.
On Yahoo Podcasts (http://podcasts.yahoo.com/), I find three podcasts which are: 1). http://media.libsyn.com/media/hawaii/hawaiiup20070311.mp3. This podcast is about food in Hawaii. There are very special features about it.
2). http://s3.amazonaws.com/chinesepod/0491/mp3/chinesepod_D0491pb.mp3. Learn Chinese with free daily MP3 audio podcasts!
3). http://aradio.disney.go.com/podcasts/yahoo/audio/radio_disney_now_0. It is Radio Disney! I love the podcasts because it is easy to use and very useful for me to choose anything I interested. I am interested in food(^_^) and Disney; podcasts give me many chances to know them more. I will keep using Yahoo Podcasts which is my favor.
Simply Audio Books (CND): (http://www.simplyaudiobooks.ca/ ). On it, I did not find free audio books. So I tried the others. LibriVox (http://librivox.org/ ) is free from public domain; I try it and I like this one. Audio books are useful for my life as well; I can know more things through audios. I found The Fisher's Boy by Thoreau, Henry David, which is on http://librivox.org/the-fishers-boy-by-henry-david-thoreau/ . But I do not know why I cannot use RSS feed; there is always an error about the browser (http://librivox.org/bookfeeds/the-fishers-boy-by-henry-david-thoreau.xml). But I love the e-text, which shows information briefly. "LibriVox volunteers record chapters of books in the public domain and release the audio files back onto the net. Our goal is to make all public domain books available as free audio books. We are a totally volunteer, open source, free content, public domain project." This is an important reason I love the audio books. It is totally free, so there is no purchase plan on it. I love free things! ahaha~~~
2). http://s3.amazonaws.com/chinesepod/0491/mp3/chinesepod_D0491pb.mp3. Learn Chinese with free daily MP3 audio podcasts!
3). http://aradio.disney.go.com/podcasts/yahoo/audio/radio_disney_now_0. It is Radio Disney! I love the podcasts because it is easy to use and very useful for me to choose anything I interested. I am interested in food(^_^) and Disney; podcasts give me many chances to know them more. I will keep using Yahoo Podcasts which is my favor.
Simply Audio Books (CND): (http://www.simplyaudiobooks.ca/ ). On it, I did not find free audio books. So I tried the others. LibriVox (http://librivox.org/ ) is free from public domain; I try it and I like this one. Audio books are useful for my life as well; I can know more things through audios. I found The Fisher's Boy by Thoreau, Henry David, which is on http://librivox.org/the-fishers-boy-by-henry-david-thoreau/ . But I do not know why I cannot use RSS feed; there is always an error about the browser (http://librivox.org/bookfeeds/the-fishers-boy-by-henry-david-thoreau.xml). But I love the e-text, which shows information briefly. "LibriVox volunteers record chapters of books in the public domain and release the audio files back onto the net. Our goal is to make all public domain books available as free audio books. We are a totally volunteer, open source, free content, public domain project." This is an important reason I love the audio books. It is totally free, so there is no purchase plan on it. I love free things! ahaha~~~
Online Generators
Online generators are very interesting for me. It is hard to say which one I like best since each one has its own strongpoints and weaknesses. Applications for things like this are not wasting time since it is not hard to do, and I like to do it.
The first generator blog is "a blog which tracks online generators of all shapesand sizes". http://generatorblog.blogspot.com/ There are many very interesting pictures in this blog. We can choose and do by ourself. The second one is an online image generator which "provides various techniques for online imagegeneration or manipulation". http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/ There are less choices on the second blog than the first one. The first one is more interesting than the second. But I think the second one is easier to do than the other one. Moreover, I find a weakness for both sites. First I try to use some pictures which are much bigger, so I have to change to some pictures which are smaller but not very clear. I think this is a kind of limitation.
I used both of these sites to experiment with creating 3 of my own "masterpieces". I first uploaded all my products to my flickr, because it is easy to upload pictures from flickr to my blog.
I find other online generator using Google, which is http://uzful.org/generators_online/on_line_generators.php. When I linked it, I was shocked by the entrance. Try it! Online generators are very interesting for me.
The first generator blog is "a blog which tracks online generators of all shapesand sizes". http://generatorblog.blogspot.com/ There are many very interesting pictures in this blog. We can choose and do by ourself. The second one is an online image generator which "provides various techniques for online imagegeneration or manipulation". http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/ There are less choices on the second blog than the first one. The first one is more interesting than the second. But I think the second one is easier to do than the other one. Moreover, I find a weakness for both sites. First I try to use some pictures which are much bigger, so I have to change to some pictures which are smaller but not very clear. I think this is a kind of limitation.
I used both of these sites to experiment with creating 3 of my own "masterpieces". I first uploaded all my products to my flickr, because it is easy to upload pictures from flickr to my blog.
I find other online generator using Google, which is http://uzful.org/generators_online/on_line_generators.php. When I linked it, I was shocked by the entrance. Try it! Online generators are very interesting for me.

According to the instructions, I have joined the group COST280 and added a picture to the photo pool. Hoho!!! Amazing!!! Flickr is very intersting and I really love it!!!
Then, I checked these Flickr Mashups.
Then, I checked these Flickr Mashups.
1) http://www.krazydad.com/colrpickr/ : When I click the link, I really love the color flower in the centre. There are a lot of Colr Pickrs to choose, and also I can make my own. It has strong visual convulsion for me.
2http://metaatem.net/words/: To be honest, I do not like inanimate things. This Flickr Mashup makes me feel so. There are only 2 colors on the site. I do not have enough interests to continue exploring it.
3) http://flickrvision.com/ : This Flickr Mashup is displaying in a very intersting way- a map! I can find any picture in any area I am interested. It gives me a direct way to use it; it is easy, convenient, and funny. However, there is always a picture in the middle of the screen, which blocks my view.
4) http://labs.systemone.at/retrievr : It is a total DIY style. If I want to use it, I have to do it all by myself. Unfortunately I am a little bit lazy and do not want to develop new things. If it shows some pictures, I think it will be more interesting.
5) http://randomchaos.com/games/fastr/ : Wow! It is wonderful! It shows Flickr in games! When I first saw the word "game", I felt this is not a task but just a game. I like this design. It make me relax my thoughts and involves much information as well.
6) http://www.beckysweb.co.uk/sudoku/flickrsudoku.asp : This one is my favor. I like animals especially small ones. I feel it is very funny and I can fill the blanks according to my interests. However, if somebody is scared by hamsters, he or she will not like it. I think they are changed to other funny pictures, it will be more wonderful!
Before doing this lab, firstly I have to know what del.icio.us is and what use it has. Del.icio.us is a collection of favorites and a social bookmarking website. I can use del.icio.us to keep links to my favorite articles, music, reviews, recipes, blogs and whatever I favor. Also I can share favorites with my friends and the del.icio.us community. Moreover, I can use it to discover new things. Because everything on del.icio.us is someone's favorite, I can find what I am interested and they have linked, which can save my time and find some new things effectively.
Firstly I created a Del.icio.us account using my secret identity. Because I cannot remember so many names and password, I try to use all same and write them down. Hoho!! Then according to instructions, I added "phoenixenlightened" and "samsnook" to my network. I searched two bookmarks which are "dogs" and "Disney" to add to my account, and sent "dog photos" to samsnook and sent "Disney" to phoenixenlightened. I added a Link Roll of my bookmarks to my blog through copying the code provided on http://del.icio.us/help/linkrolls. Now my Del.icio.us is displaying in my blog.
In lab 3, I said I love tagging. Also, I love del.icio.us as well. Tags are one-word descriptors that I can assign to my bookmarks on del.icio.us to help me organize and remember them. Tags are a little bit like keywords, but they're chosen by me; I can assign as many tags to a bookmark as I like. I think del.icio.us is very useful for my study and life. I can use del.icio.us to keep links to whatever I favor. And I can share favorites with my friends. Moreover, I can use it to find what I am interested and people have linked. I love del.icio.us and I will use it often.
Cheers, I finish the lab!!! @^_^@
Firstly I created a Del.icio.us account using my secret identity. Because I cannot remember so many names and password, I try to use all same and write them down. Hoho!! Then according to instructions, I added "phoenixenlightened" and "samsnook" to my network. I searched two bookmarks which are "dogs" and "Disney" to add to my account, and sent "dog photos" to samsnook and sent "Disney" to phoenixenlightened. I added a Link Roll of my bookmarks to my blog through copying the code provided on http://del.icio.us/help/linkrolls. Now my Del.icio.us is displaying in my blog.
In lab 3, I said I love tagging. Also, I love del.icio.us as well. Tags are one-word descriptors that I can assign to my bookmarks on del.icio.us to help me organize and remember them. Tags are a little bit like keywords, but they're chosen by me; I can assign as many tags to a bookmark as I like. I think del.icio.us is very useful for my study and life. I can use del.icio.us to keep links to whatever I favor. And I can share favorites with my friends. Moreover, I can use it to find what I am interested and people have linked. I love del.icio.us and I will use it often.
Cheers, I finish the lab!!! @^_^@
Tagging, Blogging, and Technorati
Wait a moment...I should clear up my thoughts first...This lab is too complex to do. I spent a whole afternoon to finish it. Finally I finish it although I do not know whether it is correct. Anyway, I try my best.
According to the instructions, firstly I created an account and claimed my blog at Technorati. Then I visited to Technorati's homepage, and used "search in blog posts" to find "most popular" blogs. I clicked "100 top blogs" and picked up 4 blogs of interest to me. Then I copied their websites and pasted on "my favorites" in Technorati. Also I linked my friend's blog, and I wanted to know things about him, so I added his blog as my favorites as well. He is also taking COST 280. HoHo!!
I visited the 5 favorite blogs, and I try to add all of them to my RSS reader. But I cannot. I only can add 3 of them to my RSS reader, because other 2 blogs do not have Google feeds.
I believe that tagging is a useful identification system, and I have used it in my msn space as well. It is easiler to find something I need. I have msn space for over 2 years, and I have written a lot of acticles. Sometimes I want to read them again, but it is hard to know which article is the one I want to read. Tagging helps me. In my msn space, there are some tags of dates, so I can find those articles according to the dates. Also, I use tagging to mark my pictures and links of my friends' blogs. Tagging is very useful for me to classify my blog posts, pictures and some links. But I do not think Technorati is more usefeul than tagging. But on this course Technorati is useful. Such as this lab, instructors can input "COST 280" to search and know which students have submitted this lab assignment.
I use the specified Technorati instructions to tag this post with "COST" and "280". I linked to the given website, and find the following [tagname tagname], then I changed the tagnames to COST and 280. This is like JAVA. I studied it a little bit in China.
Links to the four blogs I found using Technorati: 1)http://zlw521.blogspot.com/2007/05/technorati-support.html 2)http://technorati.com/blogs/www.engadget.com 3)http://www.technorati.com/blogs/yanxi.bokewu.com 4)http://postsecret.blogspot.com/. I chose the first blog because it is my friend's. I have explained the reason in the second paragraph. The second blog is the most popular blog I searched. I were wondering why it is so popular, so I chose it. The third blog is the only one in Chinese on the first page when I searched 100 top blogs. I want to know what is about in this blog. The last blog has a great name, and there are a lot of wonderful pictures.
To be honest, I only use RSS reader and Technorati favorites to do the labs on this course. But I love to use tagging to mark my blogs.
Tag this post: [COST 280]
My RSS reader: http://www.google.com/reader/shared/12406382883418556147
My Technorati site (including my 4 favorites): http://technorati.com/faves/GreatPumpkin0546?show=blogs
According to the instructions, firstly I created an account and claimed my blog at Technorati. Then I visited to Technorati's homepage, and used "search in blog posts" to find "most popular" blogs. I clicked "100 top blogs" and picked up 4 blogs of interest to me. Then I copied their websites and pasted on "my favorites" in Technorati. Also I linked my friend's blog, and I wanted to know things about him, so I added his blog as my favorites as well. He is also taking COST 280. HoHo!!
I visited the 5 favorite blogs, and I try to add all of them to my RSS reader. But I cannot. I only can add 3 of them to my RSS reader, because other 2 blogs do not have Google feeds.
I believe that tagging is a useful identification system, and I have used it in my msn space as well. It is easiler to find something I need. I have msn space for over 2 years, and I have written a lot of acticles. Sometimes I want to read them again, but it is hard to know which article is the one I want to read. Tagging helps me. In my msn space, there are some tags of dates, so I can find those articles according to the dates. Also, I use tagging to mark my pictures and links of my friends' blogs. Tagging is very useful for me to classify my blog posts, pictures and some links. But I do not think Technorati is more usefeul than tagging. But on this course Technorati is useful. Such as this lab, instructors can input "COST 280" to search and know which students have submitted this lab assignment.
I use the specified Technorati instructions to tag this post with "COST" and "280". I linked to the given website, and find the following [tagname tagname], then I changed the tagnames to COST and 280. This is like JAVA. I studied it a little bit in China.
Links to the four blogs I found using Technorati: 1)http://zlw521.blogspot.com/2007/05/technorati-support.html 2)http://technorati.com/blogs/www.engadget.com 3)http://www.technorati.com/blogs/yanxi.bokewu.com 4)http://postsecret.blogspot.com/. I chose the first blog because it is my friend's. I have explained the reason in the second paragraph. The second blog is the most popular blog I searched. I were wondering why it is so popular, so I chose it. The third blog is the only one in Chinese on the first page when I searched 100 top blogs. I want to know what is about in this blog. The last blog has a great name, and there are a lot of wonderful pictures.
To be honest, I only use RSS reader and Technorati favorites to do the labs on this course. But I love to use tagging to mark my blogs.
Tag this post: [COST 280]
My RSS reader: http://www.google.com/reader/shared/12406382883418556147
My Technorati site (including my 4 favorites): http://technorati.com/faves/GreatPumpkin0546?show=blogs
Google Reader
This is my first time to use a Google Reader feeds. I always prefer an old style to live and do not have interests to develop a new way, so when I have to be familiar with some new things, I feel so hard. Maybe this is not a good habit to live in the modern society... Well, I try to change myself, because I have to finish all labs on this course and try my best to get a high mark. (@^_^@)
Finally, I have my own reader and public RSS page. I find 3 different ways to add feeds to my reader. First, click "add subscription" and enter a search term to find feeds or paste a feed url to add feeds. However, not every website has RSS links. I am interested in Disney's official website, but I cannot add a feed for it. Therefore, I try to use other ways. I click "browse" and search for feeds by using keywords. Then I find some news about Disney. Moreover, I find some websites have RSS links, and if I click it, it is easy to automatically create a feed to my reader. I like this way so much!
Actually, I have to believe that this technology is useful to use everyday, although I do not use it too much in my life. People can use it to find some interesting news and share with friends. It is an easy way.
My public RSS page: http://www.google.com/reader/shared/12406382883418556147
Finally, I have my own reader and public RSS page. I find 3 different ways to add feeds to my reader. First, click "add subscription" and enter a search term to find feeds or paste a feed url to add feeds. However, not every website has RSS links. I am interested in Disney's official website, but I cannot add a feed for it. Therefore, I try to use other ways. I click "browse" and search for feeds by using keywords. Then I find some news about Disney. Moreover, I find some websites have RSS links, and if I click it, it is easy to automatically create a feed to my reader. I like this way so much!
Actually, I have to believe that this technology is useful to use everyday, although I do not use it too much in my life. People can use it to find some interesting news and share with friends. It is an easy way.
My public RSS page: http://www.google.com/reader/shared/12406382883418556147
I Love "Pumpkin"!
I love "pumpkin", which does not mean I love to eat pumpkins, but means I love the name of "pumpkin" which is given by my Canadian daddy. When I first came to Canada, I lived in a Canadian family. They treat me as their own child and I call them Canadian parents. My Canadian dad brings lots of fun especially the special but warm name to me. He always says I have a big head like a pumpkin although my head is smaller than his. The name "pumpkin" is a record for the memory of those days. I will keep it with the memories in my mind for ever. Here I want to say thanksssssssssssssssssssssssssssss to my Canadian parents and I also thank the blog which gives me a chance to show my emotion. I have another blog for almost three years but today is my first time to write a blog in English. I will keep the special blog and remember the special experiences.
(p.s. The pumpkin face was made by myself for my first Halloween. lol!^_^)
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