

Firstly I read the article that make me think a lot. Then I created an account on 43things, and added 10 things to my "life2do" list that I have always wanted to own or try. This is the link to my list: http://www.listsofbests.com/person/Pumpkin100Langton . Actually, this list is "lists of bests", but not "43things". However, finally I figure out how to create a list on 43things, and this is the list on "43things": http://www.43things.com/person/Pumpkin100Langton .After that, I went to the home page of 43things; I used tags to find other things people have done that I want to do, which is "lose 35 lbs", and I added it to my list. Similarly, I found one thing I have already done, which is "learn a second language", and I use the "I have done this" to add it to my list.

I try to publish my list to my blog from within "lists of bests". This is the list:

It is similar as my list on "43things", so I only published one of them.

I love the idea of a life2do list. I feel it is a guide for my life. I can check the list and remember what I try to do. Many years ago people only could record things using paper that wasted time and paper; however, because of the improvement of a digital culture, our life have changed a lot. Such as the "life2do", it gives us a chance to record things on website and we can share to others. I am appreciated by this course and I will keep using this list.
